What Is Rose Quarts?
Rose quartz is a PINK color of quartz. Also known as Hyaline Quartz and Heart stone. Comes from Japan, Brazil, Madagascar and the USA! The hues of pink captivate many as this crystal is the symbol of love. Strongly connected to the heart and throat chakra. Birthstone of Libra And linked to the zodiac sign of Taurus
According to some sources, rose quartz was already being used in ancient Egypt in 7,000 B.C. It’s also been said that the women of ancient Egypt and Rome utilized rose quartz face masks to smooth out their skin and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.
Meaning Of Rose Quarts
The meaning of this beautiful crystal is love and compassion and is meant to communicate all love and self care. It has universal loving properties and can heal many things, so keep it close.
Healing Properties/ Benefits of Use
looking for love? This crystal offers a variety of benefits. From wanting to develop a strong relationship with family members on a deeper level, to wanting to learn to love yourself a little more or even wanting to find that perfect love interest! Also great for heart health and…. Pregnancy! It’s said that rose quartz can help a expecting mother through pregnancy by protecting the mother and unborn child from any possible issues that may occur during the pregnancy!
How to use Rose Quarts:
Rose quartz crystals can be used in a variety of ways, such as:
- Making Use Of Them In Rituals– Rose quartz is a popular stone for use in rituals, which can range from attracting unconditional love to bringing about the fulfillment of one’s deepest aspirations.
- Using Them As Jewelry– Wear Rose Quartz jewelry to attract love, joy, and gentle self-healing. Rose Quartz necklaces, bangles, and bracelets are fantastic gifts. More crystal contact increases your awareness of its energy.
- To use as decoration in the house- Crystals have long been used in spiritual settings like yoga and meditation, but now they can even be used as home decor. Reasonably! Crystals, especially those that are quite large, can be rather expensive, but they make beautiful statement pieces that can completely alter the feel of a room. You don’t have to buy one big crystal to get the benefits of a group of smaller ones.
- Using Them As A Meditation Prop- Through meditation, you can communicate with crystals. Close your eyes and focus on your breath while holding your crystal. Your body may sink into the dirt, grounding you. You might feel light. Or you may feel nothing. Some crystals don’t resonate, while others raise your hairs. Be patient and keep trying different crystals.
- Placing Them On A Sacred Space- People claims that having Rose Quartz crystals your home, whether on an altar or on your bedside, will give you a lovely burst of vitality. Rose quartz will bring compassion and heart healing for the entire family when placed in the middle of your home or apartment.
- Tucking Them Into Your Pillowcase- Tucking this crystal into your pillow case at night can allow the crystal to give off its healing properties to you while you yourself get recharged. Wake up and feel the love and clarity this crystal can bring.
Facts about the Rose Quarts Crystal–
- Pink in color
- Found in large amounts
- Known to have a feminine energy attached to it.
- Considered a birthstone for January
- Known for love, self love, healing past traumas and building deep connections.
To recharge your crystal, this should be done by moonlight. And to replenish it that should be done in salt water! Follow these steps to keep your crystal as pure as your heart!
This is not recommended due to the possibility of water getting under the surface of your stone, however running water over the stone for a short amount of time is feasible.
This assures you crystal is cleaned thoroughly and safely.
Always buy your crystals from a reputable place. A rose quartz crystal should be cool to the touch. The crystal should be pale -medium pink in color. To make completely sure you can check the crystal for any bubbles as a genuine crystal will not have any bubbles!
The cost of this crystal
4$ – 7$ per carat if mined in large deposits a raw form of this crystal can be bought for around 2-3k dollars a ton in the raw form!
If your heart and mind have been feeling a lack of self love, self worth, or the desire to rekindle or make a new or deeper connection with someone, Rose Quartz might be just want you need.
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